Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Craziness that is my life:)

So we have been pretty busy the past couple of days..I had to keep J home from school yesterday she has been coughing like crazy, runny nose and all the stuff that goes with icky allergies. When I took her in, the Dr. recommended he put her on a daily allergy regiment. So he perscribed her Zyrtec. She started on it yesterday and hopefully that will help her some. He also made the suggestion that maybe Prissy and Heidi could be part of her allergies and that just broke my heart:( I hope its not them. I love those pups sooo much!

Funny story! Have you guys seen that sonic commercial about that fried ice cream blast? You would have to see the commercial to understand what I am about to say. Well James' neice and nephew love that commercial and put their fingers above their mouth like mustaches and say 2 fried ice creams in a deep voice like the lady does...with that being said the commercial came on the yesterday and J put her finger above her mouth ans started talking in a deep voice!!! It was soooo funny! They pick up the craziest things!

Friday is James' birthday! So I have sent him a couple packages, but man was it hard to get stuff for him. I ended up getting him books, movies, baked him some b-day cookies and candy. I hope he likes it, he is kinda hard to buy for cause he doesnt really tell me what he wants. Saturday is my birthday:) I think J and I are going to Conroe to visit my sister-in-laws for a couple days. It will be nice to visit them.

I have been cleaning all morning so I am about to sit my behind on the couch and rest for a little while! Hope you enjoyed my story:)

Friday, August 22, 2008

Feeling ALOT better this morning:)

I woke up this morning feeling a lot better about the things I posted yesterday. OMG I was reading over my old posts and look at all those freakin typos!!! I need to slow down a little I guess:) I wrote wrong words, I dont know just did all kinds of careless time I will be more careful:)

Thursday, August 21, 2008

I thought I would be better by now...

Well, the past couple of days have been really hard for me. I miss him so much. I know he will be home in November to visit but November still feels so far away. I have just had a lot of anxiety and very scared of the things that could happen. I am not trying to upset any of you that are reading this that are going thought the same thing...I just need to vent a little.

I was doing so good about not worrying. I have been praying every day and several times a day that he will come home safely. I miss the way he would kiss me unexpectedly, I miss his sweet smile and silly laugh, I miss seeing him and Jaycee playing while I cooked dinner, I just miss life in general with my husband.

I know things will get much better I am just hitting a down time and it has hit me pretty hard. I am so proud of him and so honored to be his wife. I dont care if its a 12 or 15 month tour, I would wait forever for him. I really appreciate all my great friends that have helped me get thought this thus far, you know who you all are:)

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Such a slacker I am!!!

I admit I have not been a faithful blogger, but I am a faithful reader of all my girls blogs:) Anyways there have been many new things going on with the Brooks family....I will start with my sweet little Jaycee starting school. She really loves it! They do arts and crafts, music, go on walks in bye-bye buggies, special time with the pastor, and lots of there little activities. I usually drop her off at like 8 and she stays till about 2:30. That gives me time to work out, run errands and give me some much needed me time.

I found out James will be coming home for R&R in November..which was a little sooner than we had anticipated but that is fine with us. We have a few things planned like me and him going to a nice hotel either in San Antonio or Houston for a night or two, doing some fun activities as a family and just letting him relax some. I am going to put up the Christmas tree up early this year so he can enjoy that. We will probably do Thanksgiving and Christmas combined. I cant even express how happy I am that he going to be home.

October 7th is my anniversary and its going to be such a sad day to spend without my James but heck maybe we celebrate it in Nov. like everything else! Hahaha. Also in October my best bud from high school and her family are going to Disney World so Jaycee and I are going to tag along. I think it will be lots of fun! We are going to have breakfast with the princesses and all that other good stuff you get to do at Disney.

I have finally started working out again! I have been running 2 miles, doing crunches, flutter kicks, and running stairs. It feels so nice to be getting back into shape. I have also been eating better and no more mountain dew! Instead of mountain dew I take a bottle of water and put about a half pack of that crystal light stuff in it and shake it like crazy:) It only has like 5 calories which is soooo much better than my mountain dew that has like 170! If you ladies got any ideas of what I can add to my workout routine pass it my way...I could use some extra ideas so it doesnt get boring.

The pic at the top is I just little treausre that a great gal named Beth took for us in Salado..isnt it great?!